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Founded & Administered by Kyrre J.Tjøm

[ MBA / B.Eng.(Hons) - Mechanical Engineering ]

In 2004, exactly 12 months after leaving Schlumberger (/ Western Geco), he co-financed the engineering house - Abyssus (or "deep ocean" in Latin). Later, in 2006 after a friendly MBO, he became the sole owner. In 2009, SPIN a/s (private limited company) became a reality under the same ownership, and in 2016, the AutoDrop technology was demerged to form the basis for iDROP a/s.


Abyssus Marine Services a/s serves a majority of international customers and organizes and participates in a variety of projects, from "rescue technology" for offshore production, product development and R&D, e.g. Petromaks (NRC), Horizon 2020 (EU) and Eureka.

The typical customer base consists of national and international oil companies, e.g. AkerBP (formerly Det Norske), Hydro, Equinor (formerly Statoil), Eni and Petrobras, but Abyssus also supplies products and services directly to a comprehensive list and a number of global suppliers of offshore oil and gas services, primarily subsea products and subsea intervention systems.


Based on unique knowledge and extensive experience from seismic cables and bottom sensors (from Schlumberger and WesternGeco), we have assisted many of the seismic service providers with tailored support, e.g. RXT, Seabed GeoSolutions, BGP and MagSeis.


A small but significantly challenging client group is represented by oil and gas production, defence, environmental monitoring and marine research.

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